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Setup CloudFront Kinesis Stream

When you first set up your CloudFront account-provider, extended stats and unified logs streaming are not enabled by default. To enable streaming of logs from CloudFront, additional configuration steps are required. This configuration should be done once for your account. and it will be automatically applied to all your account services.

Extended stats and unified logs for CloudFront are based on real-time logs from your CloudFront distributions. These logs are streamed via AWS Kinesis to the IO River platform. You need to create an AWS Kinesis stream to stream logs. Once created, logs will be automatically streamed and extended stats will be presented in the service dashboard.

You can easily create an AWS Kinesis stream using one of the following methods:

  • Using CloudFormation - Use this quick-create link to create the role.
  • Using Terraform - Use this code to create a Kinesis stream.

Important Notes:

  • Kinessis stream must be created in us-east-1 region.
  • In addition to creating the stream, the methods above also create an AWS role that allows CloudFront to stream logs to the newly created stream. The names of the role and the stream should not be modified.
  • AWS charges you for both the AWS Kinesis stream and the streaming of logs. For more information, see the AWS documentation here.